Md Abdul Karim
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. in Advanced Materials Engineering (South Korea)
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (IUBAT)
Room #811 | Ext#7071
E-mail: abdul.karim@iubat.edu
Md. Abdul Karim joined as a full-time faculty member of IUBATinspring 2013.He teaches various courses including Engineering Materials, EngineeringMechanics, Strength of Materials, Thermodynamics, and Instrumentations etc. His research focuses on joining of lightweightmaterials, mechanical fastening, resistance spot welding,adhesive joining, hybrid joining, and corrosion issues inmaterials joints, materials characterization, renewableenergies and waste heat recovery. A number of his research articles has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He is a member of KSAE (Korean Society ofAutomotive Engineers), KWJS (Korean Welding and JoiningSociety), and CSSK (Corrosion Science Society of Korea).He received the “Best Presenter Award” of KWJS (KoreanWelding and Joining Society) 2019 Spring Conference held inYeosu, South Korea.